Gender is a Felt Sense

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Your home via Zoom!

Experience the question “Who am I?’ through the lens of Gender as a felt sense. Through embodiment and experience, gain understanding and appreciation of how familiar boxes may not fit people, and how the lines drawn by language, the shapes the lines make, and the containers the lines define, impact everyone’s sense reality, whether the effect is affirming or constricting. Explore the subtle and not so subtle damage that can happen as a result, as well as the potential for personal and collective care and healing.

Join Miles Firkins (Miles, they, them), dancer/mover/improviser/bodyworker/somatic practitioner, and experience gender as a felt sense. Share space together and remember that we are all unique and valuable contributors to this amazing and vast soup of life.

A large portion of the proceeds will go to Hollaback offers free Bystander Intervention Trainings and/or The LGBTQ Freedom Fund which works to pay bail for queer incarcerated and detained folks -

Donations welcome!